For most people, the anus and rectum are a sensitive subject. But when it comes to anal surgery, it is important that everyone know the facts about conditions that can affect the anus and rectum, as well as the procedures used to correct them.

At the Fissure and Fistula Center of Excellence we see a broad variety of conditions. Some of the most common are anal fissures and anal fistulas. To learn more about the Fissure and Fistula Center of Excellence call us today at 888.512.2312. 

Anal Fissures

An anal fissure is a common cause for anal surgery. It is a condition in which a crack or tear occurs in the anus. Symptoms of anal fissures include pain during bowel movements, constipation, burning of the anus, itching of the anus, and discharge from the anus. 

A number of treatments can be used to correct an anal fissure. Nonsurgical options include topical treatments and Botox injections. Botox injections work to paralyze the sphincter and reduce muscle spasm. 

Surgical treatment options for anal fissures include lateral internal sphincterotomy, dermal flap coverage, and anal dilation. 

Anal Fistulas

Anal fistulas are conditions that occur when an abnormal channel or tunnel appears in the skin of the anus or rectum. Anal fistulas can result in a number of painful symptoms in the rectal area include pain, swelling, discharge, redness, and bleeding. Patients may also experience fatigue. 

Anal fistulas are almost always treated surgically. Common surgeries done for anal fistulas include:

  • Fistula Plug
  • Fistulotomy
  • Fistulectomy
  • LIFT Procedure
  • Endorectal Advancement Flap

Contact an Anal Surgery Expert

Are you experiencing pain, burning, discharge or other rectal symptoms? Don’t hesitate to contact the experts at the Fissure and Fistula Center of Excellence today to find out more about anal surgery treatment options or to schedule an appointment. We look forward to speaking with you!