Anal fissures can be extremely painful, and if severe can prevent you from enjoying your daily life. Fissures occur when there is a tear in the lining of the lower anal canal (typically caused by trauma, or as a result of a medical condition such as Crohn’s disease), and they can cause a great deal of pain during bowel movements.

Many fissures heal within a few weeks on their own through self-treatment methods, such as soaking in water and increasing fluid and fiber intake. However, fissures that persist for more than six weeks (chronic fissures) may need to be treated by a fissure specialist.

Please contact our surgery center if you are experiencing symptoms such as painful bowel movements, itching or irritation around the anus, visible cracked skin around the anus, a small bump or skin around the anus, or anus bleeding. Our world-renowned colorectal surgeons at the Fissure & Fistula Center of Excellence in Los Angeles specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of anal fissures and can help determine what treatment option is right for you. The Los Angeles surgeons at our surgery center can provide you with excellent patient care and get you back to your everyday life.

Non-Surgical Treatment for Anal Fissures

When fissures are considered mild to moderate, non-surgical treatment options may be available. Some of these treatments include:

  • Topical ointments: Topical nitroglycerin and calcium channel blockers can sometime be used to treat anal fissures because they help the sphincter muscle relax, which in turn activates the healing process.
  • Botox (botulinum toxin) injection: Depending on the type of fissure, your doctor may recommend an anal Botox injection. What to expect when using Botox for fissure treatment depends on your own unique condition and severity of your fissure. The Botox works to heal your fissure by causing temporary localize muscle paralysis in the sphincter muscle.

Surgical Options for Anal Fissures

For more severe fissures, surgical options may be prescribed. There are several different procedures available, including:

  • Lateral internal sphincterotomy: This type of anal fissure repair surgery is often the preferred method of treatment for patients with chronic and severe fissures. It involves a small incision in the lateral anal sphincter, which helps repair the fissure and prevent future ones from forming. If you are interested in learning about lateral internal sphincterotomy in Los Angeles, please contact one of our top colorectal surgeons at the Fissure & Fistula Center of Excellence.
  • Dermal flap coverage: Dermal flap coverage, also known as an anal advancement flap, is a procedure involving the placement of adjacent skin (the dermal flap) inside the anus to cover the fissure. This type of endorectal flap surgery is often implemented when conservative, non-surgical treatment methods have failed to heal the fissure.

Contact a Los Angeles Colorectal Surgeon Today

If you suffer from chronic anal fissures or have a persistent fissure, please don’t hesitate to contact the Fissure & Fistula Center of Excellence in Los Angeles. Our world-class colorectal surgeons use cutting-edge technology to perform extremely safe and minimally-invasive procedures. Schedule a consultation today by calling (888) 512-2312 or by filling out our online contact form.

Next, learn the symptoms of anal fissures.